Golden Gazelle 2017

Vladan Ostojic Date 19-May-2017

    Amazing news came along our way two days ago.  We have been rewarded with the Golden Gazelle 2017 for the best of the most dynamically growing companies in Serbia.


    For all those who are wondering about the origins and means of this award, it was established by American researcher - David Birch. According to him these are the companies that provide the largest contribution to the growth of GDP and hire the most people. The Gazelle project took into consideration those companies that planned their business in the long run and observed more than just overnight success (companies that have been growing in the last 5 years and whose growth and development have been continuous). The Golden Gazelles are also the companies which, despite their growth and success, play a significant role in corporate social responsibility.

    The methodology of the Golden Gazelle is based on 15 years of experience and quality, represented by the fact that 87% of the nominated companies are still operating successfully, and 58.7% have an excellent credit rating.

    Based on data from the Serbian Business Registers Agency and using the previously mentioned methodologies, Bisnode made the first list of the 500 fastest growing companies in Serbia in December 2016.

    After this, a committee selected the candidates who were shortlisted for the award - the Golden Gazelle Serbia - the best of the fastest growing companies in the country. Vega IT was first.

    The Gazelle committee consisted of:

    Katarina Obradovic Jovanovic, Assistant Minister, Ministry of Economy (with the support of the Minister Goran Knezevic)

    Marko Cadez, President of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce

    Aleksandar Vlahovic, President of the Serbian Association of Economists

    Milan Petrovic, Member of the Managing Board of the Serbian Association of Managers

    Zeljko Sertic, Former Minister of Economy

    Dr. Dejan Soskic, Professor at the Faculty of Economics

    Dragica Pilipovic Chaffey, Vice President of the Company SBB

    Petar Mirkovic, Director of Chemical Agrosava doo/The Golden Gazelle Serbia 2016

    Maja Kolar, Head of SME Department at Banca Intesa  

    Dejan Turk, Director, VIP mobile doo

    Marija Anselmi, Director of operational efficiency, Bisnode group

    Firstly, we want to thank our colleagues who are making our ultimate goal possible and without whom we would not exist. Big thanks goes to Bisnode company for a great organization and for sharing immersive stories from the industry.


    For us, this is just one more reason to keep moving in the direction we always intended to. We are going to keep celebrating our accomplishments while acting like we’ve got the Silver Golden Gazelle. At the same time, we are going to bear in mind the mission all of this began with - making the world a better place every step of the way.