“Gifts of Happiness” Campaign Results: A Reason to Smile

Uroš Gostović Categories: Corporate Social Responsibility Date 24-Dec-2020 3 minute to read

    With the holiday season just around the corner and the New Year slowly approaching, this is the time of year when most of us share joy and happiness with our closest ones. This is why during November and December we started our holiday campaign “Gifts of Happiness” to help children in foster care get their New Year’s gifts and feel the holiday spirit.

    How did we come up with the idea for the campaign “Gifts of Happiness”?

    Giving back to the community is one of the main pillars of Vega IT, and we are always searching for new ways to give our contribution.

    At the beginning of November, we were contacted by Center for foster care and adoption in Novi Sad and the Association of foster parents to help them fundraise money to buy 200 New Year’s gifts for children in foster care. We were really excited to get the opportunity to be a part of such an amazing campaign. However, we wanted to take that extra step and find a way, not only to collect money, but to invite other companies and individuals to give their contribution.

    What was our plan?

    Our goal was to fundraise enough money to buy 200 New Year’s gifts. We wanted to engage our community and show them the importance of this campaign.

    The first thing on our list was to create a landing page that would communicate our goal and explain to the public why our campaign is important and why they should become a part of it.

    Besides that, we created a progress bar that was counting the collected amount of money so that everyone would know, at any given moment, how far or close we are to reaching our goal.


    A progress bar that was counting the collected amount of money

    Each gift was worth 2000 RSD and anyone interested in giving their contribution could join our campaign with:

    • 3 gifts (6000 RSD)
    • 5 gifts (10 000 RSD)
    • 10 gifts (20 000 RSD)
    • More than 10 gifts :)

    As the companies and individuals started to join us, our excitement went through the roof. All of them were publicly announced on our website as the ones that joined our campaign to help children get their New Year’s gifts: Emakina.rs, Sotex MS doo,, BDIT Engineering, Gradnja.rs, Mentor kursevi engleskog jezika Novi Sad, Playrix RS, Elder Creative Agency, Hooloovoo, Ximedes doo, Mad Head Games doo Novi Sad, CIMET Software doo, Bee IT , Eryce AG (Eryce Solutions doo), Zesium mobile doo, DunavNET, Optimal Systems, Rendered text, Codebehind doo, Bojan Brankov, Endre Horgas, Natalija Banić, Andrijana Malenović, Milan Dojić and Dajana Mitrović.


    Meet companies and individuals that joined our New Year's campaign

    Did we reach our goal?

    Our initial goal was to collect money for 200 gifts. But, at the beginning of December, we gathered money for 200 gifts, which was amazing news! Our community stepped up and showed that they wanted to make these holidays happier for children who need our support the most. Hitting our goals made us extremely proud of our community, but we did not want to stop there.

    Even though we reached our initial goal, we wanted to keep on going, because there were more organisations we could offer our help to.

    One such organisation was our long-time partner, the foundation “Osmeh na dar”. We contacted them and they gladly accepted our invitation to become a part of our holiday campaign. This was exciting news, because, together, we could continue collecting donations for children who are socially and medically endangered.


    Together with the help of our community, we raised funds for 400 gifts

    The final results of our holiday campaign “Gifts of Happiness”

    We are super excited to announce that our campaign was a huge success. So let's take a look at the results?

    • We collected 800 000 RSD with the help of our community
    • We raised funds for 400 gifts
    • 19 companies and 48 individuals joined our campaign
    • We partnered with 3 organisations

    We feel great pride to have had the opportunity to be a part of such an amazing cause. Willingness, dedication and positive mindset of all individuals, companies, and organisations that took part in this campaign helped us achieve outstanding results and put smiles on children’s faces one more time! Thank you all - this would not be possible without you!

    So, in the New Year that’s coming remember that you made these holidays happier and merrier for children. Now, that is really a reason to smile!