MVP Awards for 2016th

Sasa Popovic Categories: Life At Vega IT Date 10-Jan-2017

    “If you want to be wealthy and happy, learn to work harder on yourself than you do on your job. “ Earl Shoaff

    Considered as one of the most challenging assignments of all, personal growth is defined as a never ending process of understanding and developing oneself in order to hone our skills. Our brains are peculiarly curious and they seek to eliminate the unknown. We can make the most out of this curiosity by having a deep and insatiable desire to master the unfamiliar.

    MVP (Most Valuable Professionals) is a program initiated by our colleague Nemanja Malocic which we have developed in order to encourage each individual to constantly work on themselves and to be able to share the knowledge they gather along the way.

    Meet our colleagues Ivan Nemes and Nikola Zivkovic, two of our MVPs awarded for 2016th

    Nikola works mostly on real-time systems. He uses .NET technologies and JavaScript.

    He claims that being good at your job is just a part of being a good human being.


    Ivan is an experienced developer who is focused on .Net development, while also having quite some experience in Objective-C and Java development. Most of the time Ivan deals with developing big enterprise systems.

    Good working environment and excellent coworkers as motivation for personal growth

    The main motivation for Nikola is being the best person he can in all the fields of his life, from being a good husband and friend, to being competent at work.

    “I know it is a hippy thing to say, but I think personal growth is more of a state of mind than anything else. What I like to do is make small, but constant steps towards a certain goal. Those small increments together eventually build a big thing or give you the ability to build a big thing.”

    We should always surround ourselves with people who are better than us in some aspects. Having colleagues who keep developing themselves, while striving for deeper knowledge in a certain field (framework, language, service) always works as a motivator for Ivan.

    “I always try to improve my development and software design skills. If you integrate this in your routine, you will constantly improve yourself. There is quite a nice level of satisfaction when you finally put all the pieces in the right place regarding some aspect of modeling, platform or the like. “

    Advice to our colleagues and other software developers

    Nikola: “Make a step towards your goal each day, no matter how small it may seem and regardless of the fear of failure. Make that behavior a habit. Repeat.”

    Ivan: ”Build a strong foundation in your knowledge concerning the basic programming principles and software design, introduce yourself well with the platform you use. All of this will make you feel more comfortable and pleased while working, and any other upgrades of you knowledge should come much easier.”  

    Sasa Popovic Partner and CEO

    Strategic. Creative. Practical. Sasa is the supervisor for every project that the company takes on.